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Published on November 19, 2006 By Francois Hurter In SkinStudio
I have purchased the Liquidox theme and installed it on my system. I have then tried to modify the black color of the Task Panel's background color into a gradient one using SkinStudio (as I did previously for another theme).
But when I'm applying (shift-F9) it to my system, the background color won't change and remains as it is definded, ie black.
What am I missing ?
Thanks for help

on Nov 19, 2006
Is an image set for the Background? If so, you'll need to delete the image, or use an alternative image which itself has a gradient. The presence of an image overrides the gradient setting.

The advantage of using an image is getting rid of the single-pixel border around the Taskpane that you get when using a gradient setting only.
on Nov 20, 2006
No I'm afraid there isn't any image defined (the "Task Pane Image" property is greyed out.
on Nov 20, 2006
That's a little misleading in SkinStudio - when an image is not defined the attribute name will be grey - you can still designate an image by clicking on the attribute name & designating an image in the dropdown list. Still, if no image is defined in the skin in question, the gradient settings should work. I'm puzzled, but would still try using an image with a gradient there; be aware it has to be rather large to display properly.
on Nov 27, 2006
I have checked everything I could think about...
No matter the options I'm setting in SkinStudio (image, single color, gradient), the task pane remains black and only black.
Is it possible that somewhere in my system, a setting overwites this skin setting ?
on Nov 27, 2006
I'm not aware of any user overrides that would do that. This is very puzzling and I'm afraid my fund of knowledge here has been depleted. Hopefully, one of the SD programmers will see this & chime in. Might also be time for a formal support request to Stardock.